FPS: First-Person Shooter Is Only Really Definitive On The '90s
But id Software fans are in for a treat.
This Game Pass FPS Is The Most ‘90s Boomer Shooter Yet
Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengeance of the Slayer captures the Y2K era in pure, uncut form.
Warstride Challenges Is The FPS At 100 Miles Per Hour
In this indie shooter, the player moves almost as fast as the bullets.
Shroud Is Making An Open-World Survival Game
Shroud is collaborating with Sacriel and Splash Damage for the project.
What Happened To The FPS Genre’s Obsession With Deagles?
The Deagle was everywhere in the '00s, but it fell out of the limelight and I miss it.
10 Forgotten First-Person Shooter Series
The FPS genre isn't short for games, and, unfortunately, that means some series have been left behind.
The 18 Best Controllers For First-Person Shooters
When it comes to FPS games, few would argue against the superiority of the mouse and keyboard... but that's exactly what we're going to do.
Perish Review - A Roguelite Without Incentive
Perish is a novel idea, combining the old school FPS feel of Quake and Hexen with modern roguelite motifs, but it fumbles at making each run unique.
Blood's Flare Gun Is One Of The Best Weapons In FPS Games
26 years later and Blood still has one of the best weapons in the FPS genre.
Stalker 2 Gets New Gameplay Trailer
Our first good look at Stalker 2 since Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
10 Best Villains In FPS Games
Sometimes it feels good to be bad, and these characters are the best at it.
5 Best First-Person Shooters With No Sequels
These FPS titles deserved a follow-up but never got one.
Deathloop: How To Unlock Outfits And Equip Them
There are 28 Outfits in Deathloop. Here is a complete guide on how to unlock and equip them!
Spaceflux Is The Kind Of Mind-Bending FPS We Need More Of
Are you ready to enter the F R A C T A L Z O N E ?
Apex Legends Heirlooms Are Cheaper To Buy In Real Life, And You Get To Keep Them
In an age where online games can shut up shop at any moment, is it worth spending your money on them?
Former Criterion Devs Reveal Scrapped Black 2 Plans
The PS2 and Xbox shooter had plans for a sequel.