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The Ogres of the Blighted Village in Baldur's Gate 3 hold just as much potential to be enemies as they do to be allies. Before you go swishing and slashing into their little abode, consider the benefits of having three Ogres joining your team. Then, consider if that aid is worth being a whole 1,000 gold lighter.
If you don't have the gold to spend, don't worry. Fighting three Ogres and stealing their treasures will be a cakewalk with this guide. So, weight the options between treasure and companionship, strap yourselves in, and have your swords, tomes, and staves at the ready. You'll probably need them.
How To Deal With The Ogres
Lump the Enlightened and two un-enlightened Ogre pals can be found in the home across town from the windmill (the far southwestern corner of town). You have two options here:
- Fight the Ogres for a unique headpiece that raises your Intelligence to 17.
- Spare the Ogres and recruit them as temporary, fighting followers.
How To Spare The Ogres And Recruit Them
If you wish to recruit them, you'll need to speak with the Ogres, convince them not to eat or attack you, and then pass a DC 20 Persuasion or Deception check to recruit them. This will grant you a horn you can use to call the Ogres to your aid.
To use the horn, you must be near or in an instance of combat in a large area. The Ogres will begin attacking enemies on sight and speak to you for their reward of 1,000 gold once the instance of combat has finished. The horn is labeled as a consumable item.
If you choose to Deceive them about the gold, you can pay them 1,000 gold after summoning them, deceive them again for 5,000 gold to summon them a second time, or refuse to pay them and fight them later.
Choosing to recruit them now and fight them later means getting free aid for a difficult fight and the potential to get the headpiece anyway, but it has its caveats since the Ogres aren't exactly an easy fight.
How To Defeat The Ogres
If you choose to fight the Ogres, you'll want to keep to the roof and rafters. Sneak up there with positions around the rafters for full coverage. If you have a non-ranged character, they can stand guard at the house's main door.
You can keep your ranged characters back from the section of the rafters directly above the heads of the Ogres. The support beam beneath it can be struck, collapsing the rafters on the Ogres for easy extra damage. Although, it comes at the cost of extra space to stand up top.
We really stress that you really want to avoid fighting these Ogres in melee combat, especially at lower levels.
Their high Strength stat at 19 (+4) means they'll be dealing significant amounts of damage with their clubs.
Many characters under level 3 have the potentially to be knocked unconscious in a single hit. This is a dangerous encounter.
Fire down on the Ogres using your Action to strike and then using the Hide bonus action to dip out of the way. If you can, use the outer walls of the building for extra coverage.
The Ogres can throw barrels at you, so it's best not to stay close to any edges or take cover. Once they're defeated, you can jump down and loot their bodies for all their goodies.
There's another Goblin patrolling the outer streets of the village. He might try to join the battle if he sees you or wanders too close.
He's easily dealt with, however, since he has no ranged option and must climb the ladder (sacrificing an entire action and two turns) to reach you.