Roblox - Game
Roblox is enjoyed by millions. A sandbox game where you can play, create, and come together with people all over the world. Jump into any of the community experiences, or take advantage of promo codes for cool content.
We added a new code on July 28th.
Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of Doodle World, a popular creature-collecting Roblox game that has been recently updated with a bunch of brand-new codes. Head out into the world and try to find all the special Doodles, with new creatures added regularly. The aim of Doodle World is to collect, create, and explore. The world of Doodles is varied and ever-changing - have you got what it takes to build the ultimate team of Doodle pets to conquer the world? These Doodle World codes will help you get started. Check back regularly for updates!
All Working Doodle World Codes
Code | Reward |
PlipoPlushReward2 | Get a 6HT Plipo! (NEW CODE) |
PlipoPlushReward | Get a 6HT Plipo! |
SUBTOJERII | Get an exclusive color! |
THETRIBE | Get an exclusive title! |
Pride | Get the pride color! |
Pizza | Get Muncheez |
WeLoveFreeMoney | Get $10,000 bucks! |
FirstAnniversaryCode | Free Partybug! |
CuteBird | Free Borbo! |
Specialcode | Obtain 300 Gems |
Diamonds | Obtain 300 Gems |
OrbOfLight | Obtain 1 Orb Of Light |
OrbOfDark | Obtain 1 Orb Of Darkness |
SpinDaWheel | Obtain 1 Roulette Ticket |
CandyHeadphones | Obtain 1 Pair Of Candy Headphones |
RealLevelUpCube | Obtain 3 Level up Cubes |
SantaClaus | Obtain The Santa Claus Title |
SantaColor | Obtain A Santa Claus Color |
125KLikes | This code is good for one Roulette Ticket. |
Buggybug | Obtain an orange tinted 5 star Rosebug. |
SweetAwesome | Obtain a dark green tinted 5 star Bunsweet. |
100KLikes | Free Party Bug! |
AntenaBuff | Free PvP-ready Doodle! |
AnothaOne | Free Roulette Ticket. |
wowcomeon | 15,000 bucks of free cash. |
TERRABL0X | Cosmetic color for your character. |
Welcome | 3,000 bucks of free cash. |
VREQUIEM | Free Title. |
StimulusCheck | 7,500 bucks of free cash. |
FreeGems | 25 gems. |
BasicTitle | Free title. |
GrayColor | Free color. |
FreeCapsules | Five free capsules for unlocking new Doodles. |
Metalalloy | Obtain 1 Perfect Alloy |
FreeRosebug | Free Rosebug Doodle to use. |
Roblox codes are case-sensitive, which means you'll need to copy the codes exactly. Pay close attention to capital letters, numbers, and punctuation, because if you enter it incorrectly, the code won't work.
Expired Doodle World Codes
Code | Reward |
NoUpdateToday | 400 Gems |
VacationVoucher | Free island voucher |
DailyCodeNumber3 | Free lesser chain ticket |
LevelupBug | Free island voucher |
HeroHavocAwesome | Free Owol Skin! |
NoobIslandVoucher7 | Free Voucher |
NoobIslandVoucher6 | Free Voucher |
FreeIslandVoucher5 | Free Voucher |
EasterVoucher | Free Voucher |
FreeIslandVoucher4 | Free Voucher |
LoveFluppy | Free Swarm Snack! |
MoreDiamonds | Obtain 300 Gems |
WowFreeGems | Obtain 500 Gems (you need to have the first key to use this code) |
RunicGems | 600 gems |
GemPrinter | Obtain 500 Gems |
CrayonEater | Obtain 2 Used Crayons |
ChristmasEve2022 | Obtain A Storage Box |
MerryXmas2022 | Obtain A Sled Mount |
Partridge | Obtain a green-tinted Appluff |
Day22022 | Obtain 200 gems |
FreeMoney | Obtain $20,000 |
GoldenRings | Obtain 2 Lesser Chain Tickets |
SwarmSnax | Obtain 1 Swarm Snack |
SevenVP | Obtain 7 VP |
EightPolkaDotCapsules | Obtain 8 Polkadot Capsules |
TheNinth | Obtain 1 Roulette Ticket |
DayTen | Obtain 500 Gems |
AdventStatCandies | Obtain 3 Stat Candies |
StickyPendant | Obtain 1 Sticky Pendant Accessory |
SpeedTokeeens | Obtain 3 Speed Tokens |
IceCreamPops | Obtain 7 Ice Cream Pops |
Another500Gems | Obtain 500 Gems |
Lakewoodbug | 300 gems. You need to have claimed your second key to use this code. |
HopefullyLastOne | 750 gems. You need to have claimed your second key to use this code. |
Motivation | Obtain 500 gems. You need to have claimed your second key to use this code. |
Halloween2002 | Obtain 800 gems. You need to have claimed your second key to use this code. |
HWGemz | Obtain 600 gems. You need to have claimed your second key to use this code. |
Letstrythisgain | Obtain 525 gems. You need to have claimed your first key to use this code. |
75KLikes | Free Roulette Ticket. |
LetsParty | Free limited-time skin, can only be redeemed once you've earned the first key in-game. |
BigBug | Free roulette ticket! |
GreenBug | Free 5-star Doodle. |
GreaterChain | Free 5-star Doodle. |
FreeNeedling | - |
DaGOAT | Ya Goat! |
ExtraReward | Lesser Chain Ticket. |
How To Redeem Codes In Doodle World
It's pretty simple to redeem codes in Doodle World. Just follow these simple steps.
- Click Menu in the bottom left.
- Click Special Shop.
- Open up the new Codes menu.
- Enter the codes.
- Hit redeem.
- Unlock your free items!
Check the picture above for where it is on the menu wheel. If the code doesn't work, it could be that you have entered it incorrectly. Copy and paste directly from our list to make sure this doesn't happen. If the code still doesn't work, this means it is expired, and you'll need to check back soon for new codes.
How To Get More Codes For Doodle World
The easiest way to find new codes quickly is to bookmark this page, visit the developer's official Twitter page, or head over to the community Discord for recent update news and potential codes.
What Is Doodle World?
To be completely plain with you, Doodle World is basically Pokemon, but instead of nicely rendered creatures, you get cute little Doodles instead - these look like hand-drawn creatures and come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. You start out like you would in any Pokemon game (just a kid all on your own, about to go on adventure) and you have to work your way through the world hunting for new creatures, challenges, and treasure!