Daniel Martinez
List Writer
36 articles published since March 08, 2023
About Daniel Martinez
Daniel Martinez is an avid gamer. He enjoys most types of games but you can find him playing games such as Apex Legends, Minecraft, Escape from Tarkov, and Stardew Valley to name a few. He has previously worked for Top10 Esports covering Apex Legends. When he's not gaming you can find him reading and watching anything fantasy & sci-fi related or watching wrestling.
10 Classic Cartoons You Forgot Had A Video Game
The silver screen leaked into GPU processors with each of these classic cartoons.
10 Best Cartoon Network Video Games
Cartoon Network has produced some great video games over the years.
10 Best Restaurant Management Games
Get ready for some kitchen chaos as these games serve the best restaurant sim experience.
10 Games About Making Coffee
If you've ever wondered what it would be like to live the life of a barista, these games will have you making coffee in no time,
8 Anime Games Turning 10 In 2023
Here are the best anime video games that turn a decade old in 2023!
The Best Mobile Games That No One Plays Anymore
Here are the best mobile games that aren't played too much these days!
Minecraft: 10 Best Survival Spawns On The Marketplace
Downloading cool worlds on the Minecraft marketplace is a fantastic way to extend the lifetime of this endless game.
10 Best Paradox Interactive Games
Paradox is heavily known for strategy games, but the best of its library might surprise you.
10 Real-Life Locations Recreated In Minecraft
In a game that lets you create anything you can think of, why not replicate what already exists?
10 Wrestlers With The Most Appearances In WWE Games
The WWE games include new stars with every entry, but the legends are always there.