Teddy M.
60 articles published since June 23, 2022
About Teddy M.
Teddy is a writer, content creator, and food enthusiast who spends too much time on video games. They can usually be found in the middle of the woods, howling hauntingly at the sky.
Mario Kart 8: 15 Best Kart And Driver Combinations
The right driver in the right car could be the difference between victory and defeat.
The Legend Of Zelda: The File Size Of Every Core Game
Here's how much storage space each of the mainline Zelda games require.
7 Best Theatre Performances In Video Games
Feel cultured with these great theatre performances in games.
Valheim: 10 Best Mods
Valheim is a game full of things to do with or without friends. But once you have conquered survival, what's next? These mods might help.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: 10 Best Character Designs
These stylish characters will have you staring at your switch, mesmerized by their detail, personality, and character design.
9 Best Wrestling Games On Nintendo Switch
Can you smell what the Rock's cooking? That's right, it's great wrestling games on the go.
Civilization 6: 10 Best Leader Mods
If you're looking to change up who leads your tribe in Civilization 6, these great character mods are for you.
The 10 Best Side Features In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet has some great side features. Here are our favourites.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: 10 Cutest "Let's Go" Animations
Nothing is more relatable than Sprigatito running around in circles, and then promptly taking a nap.
11 Hidden Areas In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Everyone Completely Missed
If you're looking for rare Pokemon, Gimmighoul coins, and plenty of items and TMs, exploring the furthest reaches of Paldea is your best bet.
10 Most Heartwarming Moments In Persona 4
These heartwarming moments are perhaps some of the most memorable parts of Persona 4.
Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Silliest Monsters
If you come across the monsters on your campaign, you'll be shaking in your boots... from laughter.
10 Most Heartwarming Moments In Kingdom Hearts
Love, Disney, and the power of friendship; check out the most heartwarming moments in the series.
Which Borderlands Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
There are many characters in the Borderlands series, so which one matches your zodiac sign the most?
7 Spooky Magic: The Gathering Halloween Costume Ideas
Get in the Halloween spirit with these Magic: The Gathering costume ideas.
7 Best Horror Themed Settings For Your D&D Campaign
There are plenty of chances to fight some spooky scary skeletons.